35.2809° S, 149.1300° E

Travelling to Australia's capital city with Marie.
Original Interview in French, scroll down for the English translation!
1. Tout d’abord, où habites-tu, et depuis combien de temps vis-tu ici ?
J’habite à Canberra, en Australie depuis 2006.
2. La pandémie du Coronavirus a-t-elle affectée ta région, et si oui, de quelle façon ?
Oui nous aussi sommes en mode confinement mais nous sommes plus libres qu’en France car les cas de coronavirus ont heureusement été plus contenus jusqu’à présent.
Cela fait maintenant plusieurs semaines que les écoles sont en ligne et les magasins doivent limiter le nombre de clients qu’ils font entrer à chaque fois afin de respecter les distances sociales suite au COVID-19.
Les écoles sont sur le point de réouvrir de façon progressive comme en France.
Nous sommes toujours libres d’aller prendre l’air et de nous balader pourvu qu’on reste dans la zone du territoire australien (Australian Capital Territory)
3. Une fois les restrictions de confinement levées, quelle est la chose que tu as le plus hâte de refaire/ retrouver ?
Inviter des amis (quoiqu’ils ont maintenant autorisé à nouveau les visite (1 famille peut désormais en visiter une autre), notre église, aller sur la côte en vacances.
4. En temps habituel, quelle est la meilleure chose de vivre ici ? Inversement, y-a-t-il quelque chose que tu changerais si tu pouvais?
Canberra est une ville très agréable en tant ordinaire avec beaucoup de soleil et d’espace naturels. On l’appelle ‘the Bush capital’. Il y a toujours des expos aux différents musées et beaucoup de pistes cyclables pour les amateurs de vélo.
Si je devais changer quelque chose, je voudrais que la ville soit plus verte, le climat moins chaud et sec car en été ça peut-être insupportables. Cet été a été particulièrement horrible avec les feux de brousse (bushfires).
5. Un(e) ami(e) viens te rendre visite pour la première fois, peux-tu me décrire votre itinéraire pour la journée ?
This section will work better in English. I would take them to see the parliamentary triangle to have a look at the national institutions such as the National Library, the Parliament, old parliament house. We could probably walk around Lake Burley Griffin. I would also go up Red Hill to get a good view of the city and the it has been designed.
I would also take them to a nearby national park (Tidbinbilla) for a nice picnic and walk. We could see kangaroos (they are everywhere), koalas and if we are lucky platypuses.
And for English-speaking readers!
1. So firstly, where do you live, and how long have you lived here?
I have lived in Canberra, Australia, since 2006.
2. Has the current Coronavirus pandemic affected your life here, and if so in what ways?
Yes, we too are in lockdown mode but we are freer than in France as Coronavirus cases have been fortunately more contained till now.
It’s now been a few weeks since schools went online and shops must limit the number of customers they let in each time, in order to respect social distances following COVID-19.
Schools are on the verge of reopening in a gradual fashion like in France.
We are still free to go out and get fresh air and to go out and explore, provided we stay in the Australian Capital Territory.
3.Once restrictions/ any quarantine rules lift, what is the thing you most look forward to
doing here?
Inviting friends over (even though they have now authorised once more some visits to take place (from now one, one family can visit another), our church, going to the coast on holiday.
4. In more normal times, what would you say is the best thing about living here? Likewise, is
there anything you would change?
Canberra is a very pleasant city in normal times, with lots of sunshine and outdoor spaces. It is known as the ‘Bush Capital’. There are always exhibitions in the different museums and lots of cycle ways for bike lovers.
If I had to change something, I would want the city to be greener, and the climate less hot and dry as in summer it can be unbearable. This summer has been particularly horrible with the bushfires.
5. A friend comes to visit here for the first time and wants to discover the best of what your
location has to offer...what is your itinerary for the day?
This section will work better in English. I would take them to see the parliamentary triangle to have a look at the national institutions such as the National Library, the Parliament, old parliament house. We could probably walk around Lake Burley Griffin. I would also go up Red Hill to get a good view of the city and the it has been designed.
I would also take them to a nearby national park (Tidbinbilla) for a nice picnic and walk. We could see kangaroos (they are everywhere), koalas and if we are lucky platypuses.
Thank you so much Marie, for answering my nosy questions and enabling us to discover this beautiful city!
Floriade- annual flower festival in Canberra, which attracts lots of tourists every year.
Government House annual open day. The house of the Governor general, who represents the Queen in Australia.
The Telstra Tower at the top of Black Mountain, one of the classic landmarks of Canberra.
Canberra Balloon festival.
Canberra Balloon festival.
Stroll in the bush on the hill behind our house, with my dog Lester.
Tidbinbilla (the National Park in the Australian Capital Territory). If you are lucky, you can even spot Platypuses swimming here.
View of Lake Burley Griffin from Black Mountain Tower.
Background info on Canberra and surrounding area: