About Me
I'm Cerys, a 21 year old Earth-dweller, Jesus-follower, art-maker, ukulele-player and freelance travel writer.
I have been running this blog for since 2019, and I've spent the last few years travelling around the world and learning to tell stories. I am currently in London, studying a degree in media and journalism at Goldsmiths University of London.
Follow my journey on my Instagram @cerys.wanders and in more depth on my blog!
I like travelling (you guessed it!) and writing (no, seriously?), but my list of amateur interests doesn't terminate there... surfing, cruising on my long board, spending time with my family, friends and occasionally complete strangers all feature highly.
I suppose my passion for exploration has precedent in my international roots, my mother being French and my dad an eclectic mix of Welsh, English, with some connection to Irish ancestry. I recently discovered thanks to bit of fun with DNA testing that I have a bunch of Iberian, Scandinavian, Scottish and Welsh and Irish, Italian, Greek, Sardinian, Croatian and Jewish ancestors. Maybe that explains the itchy feet, the feeling of never quite being at home anywhere, yet being content absolutely everwhere.
I've grown up in both countries, experiencing a blurry blend of cultures, speaking a sort of 'Frenglish' dialect at home ( Et oui, si je réussis à comprendre comment écrire des accents graves avec un clavier anglais, j'écrirai quelquefois dans la langue de Molière!), and as a result travelling and cross-culture thinking have always been major parts of my life.
As I've grown up and learnt more about this planet( I'm still learning now of course, I hold the firm belief that we never cease to), I've been increasingly blown away by the places I go, the cultures I experience, the food I try, the people I encounter...and I thank God for every new day I get to spend on planet Earth. It may not be a perfect world but it's an extraordinarily interesting and unique one.
The absurd-looking title 'vojaĝanto' which I have no idea how to pronounce, is the translation for 'traveller' in Esperanto. Apart from the fact I liked the cool ,albeit unpronounceable, letter 'ĝ', I assure you this title does have a degree of significance. Esperanto is the most widely spoken constructed auxiliary language( according to my faithful friend wikipedia), devised in 1887 by the Polish-Jewish ophthalmologist L.L. Zamenhof. It is a blend of numerous international languages(subtle link to the photo below- this portrait was taken in front of calligraphist Fédéric Baron and mural artist Claire Kito's 'Wall of Love' in Monmartre, Paris, which features the words I love you 311 times in 250 different languages- homage to our planet's incredible linguistic diversity and a seriously aesthetic background which matched my outfit that day ;-) ). Zamenhof's goal was to create a universal second language which would foster peace and international understanding. The word Esperanto translates in English as 'one who hopes'.
In the spirit of Zamenhof I like to consider myself as one who hopes. I hope to travel more. I hope to write more. I hope to tell real, human stories from the heart. I hope to spread peace and understanding. I hope to publish blog posts which advise and inspire. I hope to connect with travel enthusiasts around the world, because like Esperanto, travel is an international language. I hope to be able to share my curiosity and thirst for adventure with you, the reader, through this blog.