Who are these two beautiful creatures? What is their story?
This woman was dancing in a trance-like fashion to the music of a Ukrainian busker by East Berlin's Warschauer Straße station, when this stoopy fellow sporting a few singular dreadlocks from his shaved scalp, approached her and gifted her with a plastic bag containing liquor and a box of chocolates. She took it dismissively and appeared to look beyond him, fed up. I watched with utter fascination and began to imagine a life for them…
…I named her Madonna due to her striking resemblance to the singer. He was simply Hans. They had been madly in love in their youth, and had conceived a child before breaking up. She had raised their child alone and only told him years later. Hans wasn't angry though, he felt guilty for missing out on these years as a father. They aren't together now, they just tolerate each other, supply each other with alcohol and the good stuff. Madonna likes to smoke here and Hans always knows where to find her. Regularly, as a kind of penance for their history together and his absence, he gifts her with liquor and maybe an item of confectionery…
This is entirely my imagination, Evie's story for them was considerably more joyful, and if I remember rightly, the man's name was 'Karl'.
What about you? What is your story for these Berliners? What is behind his dreads and her drinking? If you have any ideas please do share in the comments!
