Sofia is the capital of Bulgaria, a majestic city soaked over centuries by the tides of Eastern European history. The name Sofia means ‘wisdom’, and this is certainly apt for the capital of the country which invented the Cyrillic alphabet, the Slavonic script commonly used in many countries including but not limited to Russia , Bulgaria, Ukraine, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.
I was pleased to spend an evening wandering these charming alleys and glimpsing some impressive monuments. I also found out that McDonald’s in the Cyrillic script is Макдонълдс…
I was recollecting these thoughts and writing this up on a hostel rooftop in Jaipur, India. Shoutout to Shivpreet who came and sat with me and taught me some Farsi, Hindi and Punjabi script!
Just an inspiring reminder of the wondrous diversity of humanity’s languages.
